- natural wedding flower specialists

Hello, I’m Lisa, a romantic at heart, founder and owner of Mindenwood, and a specialist in curating natural, fresh wedding flowers. I’ve always loved flowers in our home, and when I wanted (and needed) a creative outlet, floristry called and my love affair of working with flowers began.

I create considered, timeless arrangements that are relaxed in style. I love to work with fresh flowers and foliage, and I’m fortunate to have great relationships with local growers so I source locally and seasonally, as well as using flowers from further afield. Seasonal flowers add a softness and more organic aesthetic to wedding flowers.

I aim to work in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way so my mechanics are free from floral foam and no single use plastic.

Since starting Mindenwood, I have worked with, and learned from a range of amazing, inspirational regional and national florists, including completing Philippa Craddock’s Professional Wedding Flowers Masterclass.

  • Lisa Corbett, wedding florist
  • Lisa Corbett, wedding florist carrying box of flowers followed by her dog
  • Lisa Corbett, wedding florist holding blush, pink and white bouquet

I like effortless style and beauty that is uncomplicated; the simplest of designs can have the most impact. I don’t follow trends.

My inspiration for natural wedding flowers comes from many places - the landscape, changing seasons, the arts, architecture, travel, interior and fashion design.

Life before Mindenwood has included a Modern Languages & Literature Honours degree (French & German; with a little post-degree Spanish), living and working in Germany, business administration and management, arts development at Arts Council England and full-time primary school teaching.

And, in case you’re wondering, Mindenwood is the family pedigree of our fabulous dogs, or as we affectionately refer to them as ‘the girls’. When I have free time, you’ll find me drinking a chai latte and pottering at our allotment.